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Everyone's Neighborhood

Everyone’s Neighborhood by Barrett Keithley and Dana Todd Pope is located in the Chicago Pedway, between Macy’s and the CTA Red Line Station.

In an effort to create a more beautiful pedestrian experience, Chicago Loop Alliance hired Keithley and Pope and curator Missy Perkins to create a vibrant and positive mural. The artists created visual representations of Chicago Loop Alliance’s “Everyone’s Neighborhood” project, which seeks to promote inclusion and representation in the Loop. “It was truly an honor to create a mural in such a historic space,” said Pope. “Knowing that all of Chicago will get to enjoy the mural we created is the stuff dreams are made of. I hope the mural serves as a refuge and source of joy for daily commuters. Most of all, I hope it becomes a treasured fixture in the Pedway and to share it with my future grandchildren one day." Barrett Keithley and Missy Perkins are Chicago-based artists and co-founders of Paint the City, a nonprofit focused on healing the city through art. Dana Todd Pope is an artist, author, fashion designer, and illustrator from Chicago whose art she describes as “encouraging, disruptive, and self-affirming.”

Chicago Loop Alliance · 13. Everyone’s Neighborhood

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111 N State (Pedway Level)
Chicago, IL 60602

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