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Teaching Trauma-Sensitive Yoga

Three part series geared towards yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and mindfulness guides who want to learn more about teaching trauma-sensitive group classes and individual sessions.

This series will provide the groundwork to help you support individuals across the spectrum of trauma - from the individuals who might show up in your group classes to working in populations with high trauma exposure such as jails/prisons, mental/behavioral health centers, recovery centers or medical facilities. Each class will begin with a 30-minute trauma-sensitive practice. This is intended not only to offer a teaching example, but also to connect as a group and ground the nervous system. The following hour will be devoted to discussion to create a deeper awareness and understanding of trauma and what it means to be trauma-sensitive. The final class will allow space for you to integrate your learnings through a brief practice teaching exercise in a supportive environment of your peers. Following the completion of this course, you’ll receive resources for continued learning.

Tiered pricing ranging from $100-140.

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Event Date

  • October 18, 2023
  • 6:00PM - 7:30PM


Virtual on Zoom

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