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Nudge for Good: Richard Thaler in conversation with Greta Johnsen

Mindworks and WBEZ offer a special opportunity to hear from bestselling author and Nobel Prize recipient Richard Thaler.

Mindworks and WBEZ offer a special opportunity to hear from bestselling author and Nobel Prize recipient Richard Thaler. Thaler will be joined in conversation by Nerdette host Greta Johnsen to discuss his groundbreaking work on nudges and choice architecture. Thaler’s work explores how situations alter people’s behavior in predictable ways, and how to apply these insights to help us all live happier, healthier lives.Throughout the evening, we will explore the concept of nudges to better understand the external and internal forces that influence our everyday decision-making. The conversation will focus on how to use choice architecture to help us make better decisions for ourselves, our families, and our society.In addition to hearing from one of the world's leading figures of behavioral science, participants will have the opportunity to win various prizes, including signed copies of Nudge and WBEZ swag.

Admission is free (donations accepted).

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Event Date

  • June 7, 2022
  • 5:45PM - 7:30PM


Gleacher Center


450 Cityfront Plaza Drive
Chicago, IL 60611

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