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Karen Anderson: "The Marginalization of African Beauty Through History"

Artist Karen Anderson will speak on the history of African beauty and how it has been redefined.

More Than a Color: The Marginalization of African Beauty Through History by Karen Anderson3pm - 4pm CSTThis presentation takes participants on a walk-through history telling the stories of some women who many may not know. Anderson will speak about the women of color in 1760 French America who figured out how to legally free themselves from slavery only to be bound by government laws, women like Sarah Baartman who had to choose between being a circus oddity or a slave, and how women like Sarah Breedlove and Ann Malone changed the way women of African descent saw themselves—how these women redefined beauty. Anderson will also reflect on a recent development: our society has started to see women of color as beautiful.Anderson will illuminate history filled with women of color who refused to view themselves through social limitation. She hopes to inspire others to decide for themselves what beauty is.

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Event Date

  • June 11, 2023
  • 3:00PM - 4:00PM


International Museum of Surgical Science


1524 North Lake Shore Drive
Chicago, IL 60610

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