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Empower Your Pregnancy: Prenatal Yoga Immersion

Feel supported and empowered in your pregnancy with four weeks of prenatal yoga.

This program is designed to accompany you during 4 weeks of your pregnancy journey with your physical, emotional, and energetical evolving needs in mind. Experience a creative combination of physical movements - guided or intuitive - breathing techniques, meditation, visualization and mudra (symbolic hand gestures) led by pre + postnatal yoga specialist Stephanie Bour. Each week of this program dives into a different theme with a short educational lecture followed by a complete yoga practice ending with deep guided relaxation. We will allow time at the beginning and at the end to share and connect as a community of pregnant individuals in a friendly and compassionate atmosphere.

This program has a a cost of $160.

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Event Date

  • November 11, 2023


This is a virtual event that will take place over Zoom.

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