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OHC 2020 Trivia Night

To kick off 10 days of endless discoveries during Open House Chicago 2020, join fellow OHC devotees and special guests to compete in teams on trivia questions about Chicago places and spaces.

Open House Chicago is back with a reimagined event for 2020. The beloved architecture festival, hosted by the Chicago Architecture Center, will now span 10 days and more than 20 of Chicago’s unique neighborhoods. This year’s event includes both online and outdoor events that showcase the fascinating history, architecture, and culture of the city’s diverse neighborhoods.

Tickets are $15 for non-members; $10 for CAC members

Visit the Website of OHC 2020 Trivia Night (opens in new window)

Event Date

  • October 16, 2020
  • 7:00PM - 8:00PM



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