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Cultural Exploration 101

Learning History & Culture through Travel

Why do you travel? What motivates your desire to explore?

For some, travel is a fun time to connect with friends and get away to new and exciting destinations around the world. Beyond a weekend getaway, travel also provides an opportunity to learn about the history and culture of countries we've never been to before.

During this workshop, we will dialogue about the places we've been, what we learned, and discover new opportunities to explore how history, politics, and culture impact the experience of travel.
Led by Cobretti Williams, critical scholar and avid traveler, participants will gain new insight and appreciation of cultural learning and new ways to travel and see the world.

Light refreshments will be served. Bring a friend! Questions? Email Education Administrator, Janine Myers, at education.chicago@hiusa.org.

Free admission

Visit the Website of Cultural Exploration 101 (opens in new window)

Event Date

  • September 10, 2019
  • 6:30PM - 8:00PM


Hostelling International


24 East Ida B Wells Drive
Chicago, IL 60605

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