Chicago Loop Alliance (CLA) provides cleanliness, beautification, safety, and maintenance services to Special Service Area #1-2015, covering State Street from Wacker to Ida B. Wells and parts of Dearborn Street and Wabash Avenue.
In 2023, Chicago Loop Alliance Street Team Ambassadors,

Clean Team Ambassadors keep State Street welcoming and safe by clearing snow from sidewalks, removing graffiti, sanitizing touch points, and more.

State Street’s unarmed Security Patrols played a vital role in keeping SSA#1-2015 safe in 2023, especially overnight, on weekends, and during holidays and special events.
Safety and Security Committee
In response to stakeholders’ needs, CLA maintained and advanced the newly formed Safety and Security Committee. Advancements include constant communication with interested members through the GroupMe messaging platform, monthly meetings of civic leaders, businesses, governmental agencies, and law enforcement.
Monthly safety and security meetings featured guest speakers from Chicago Police Department’s Public Transportation, Mass Transit unit; Department of Streets and Sanitation; Department of Family and Support Services; 4th, 34th, and 42nd ward Aldermanic offices; and various departments of the Mayor’s office.

Other enhanced services that created a sense of arrival on State Street include: