Enhanced Services
CLA Impact Report 2024 Economic Development

Enhanced Services

Chicago Loop Alliance provides cleanliness, beautification, safety, and maintenance services to Special Service Area #1-2015, covering State Street from Wacker to Ida B. Wells and parts of Wabash Avenue.

In 2024, Chicago Loop Alliance Street Team Ambassadors,

  • Continued its summer expansion in the city of Chicago corridor ambassador programs
  • Provided additional support for State Street visitors and businesses, as well as city departments (Chicago Dept. of Sanitation, Chicago Police Department)
business check-ins
directions given
Chicago Loop Alliance Street Team Ambassador sweeping - photo by Faith Decker

Clean Team Ambassadors keep State Street welcoming and safe by clearing snow from sidewalks, removing graffiti, sanitizing touch points, and more.

Chicago Loop Alliance Clean Team Ambassador cleaning stickers - photo by Faith Decker
surface sanitizations, including bus stop seats, trash cans, newspaper racks, door handles, and bike racks
graffiti tags and stickers removed
pounds of trash removed
inches of snow removed from the sidewalks on State Street

State Street’s unarmed Security Patrols played a vital role in keeping SSA#1-2015 safe in 2024, especially overnight, on weekends, and during holidays and special events.

security roll calls
hours of private Security Patrols spent on State Street
CTA station checks
Chicago Loop Alliance Street Team Ambassador standing in front of business as two female pedestrians walk by - photo by Faith Decker

Chicago Loop Alliance ambassadors often serve as a touchpoint for those experiencing homelessness and other social service needs.

Two Chicago Loop Alliance Street Team Ambassadors walking with a wheelbarrow of supplies
social service referrals
individuals placed
hygiene kits distributed

Other enhanced services that created a sense of arrival on State Street include:

  • Power washing sidewalks, curbs and public infrastructure
  • 22 new trees installed along State Street
  • 150 light poles painted and repaired in preparation for the 2024 Democratic National Convention
Chicago Loop Holiday Decorations
Holiday Lights being installed
Installing holiday decorations

Safety and Security Committee

CLA continued to effectively maintain and advance the Safety and Security Committee. The committee remained proactive in fostering constant communication with interested members through the GroupMe messaging platform and holding monthly meetings, convening civic leaders, businesses, governmental agencies, and law enforcement.

Safety and Security GroupMe members
participants in monthly Safety & Security committee meetings*
guest speakers at monthly Safety and Security meetings
Safety Security Meeting with the Chicago Police Department
Safety Security Meeting with the Chicago Police Department